Música do episódio 4x15 - Stand by Me

em 24 fevereiro 2013 |
Confiram a música que tocou no episódio 4x15 - Stand by Me que foi ao ar dia 21/02:

Música: “Family”
Artista: Noah Gundersen
Momento que tocou: Elena (Nina Dobrev) queima a casa.
Links: Download | Vídeo


Say something awful, as if fucking the world is your right. And I watch you stumble, drunk out into the night. To cat call ladies, you’re thirsty for blood, you’re pickin a fight. And i wanted to ask you man whatta you do, in the daylight. So bum me a cigarette, buy me a beer till i’m happy to be here, happy to be here. With all of my family hookers in heels and the men who watch them like hungry black eels.

Run into me sunday tell me you had one hell of a time. And through the haze and the gunsmoke i’m forced to believe you’re probably right. Someone lies bleeding, someone got violent and did not think twice. And i watched you my brother making a fool of the moon tonight. So bum me a cigarette, buy me a beer till i’m happy to be here, happy to be here. With all of my family hookers in heels and the men who watch them like hungry black eels. Am i just a spark?

Fonte: http://tvd-love.com/

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